Grim Weeper

Death is hanging up his scythe but not until his son, Grim, inherits leadership of the Underworld. The only problem, Grim doesn't want to. With his scythe training ceremony imminent, Grim ends up on an adventure he didn't expect, nor did his hamster, Mr Binky.

Originally conceived as an idea for the Adventure Game Challenge, "Grim Weeper" is now full of life with voices and music, including fully realised artwork and character animation.  This point and click adventure game has been built in Unity using the "Adventure Creator" asset.

This is my first ever game after spending 30 years only ever playing video games, working on this has been a huge learning curve for me and I'm appreciative of the support I have received. Not only here but also the Point and Click Devlog community discord. 

If you enjoyed the game or concept, I fully intend to complete the game to its full potential. Keep tabs on it with the Twitter and Instagram handles: grimweepergame

Development log


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I tried to download and Dropbox states that it is deleted.

Deleted 2 years ago



Looked promising but then I got stuck in a scene with nowhere to go and nothing to click, with Grim only slightly visible at the bottom; as if the scene is zoomed in on.

Yes, I discovered this glitch far too late in the game jam process and didn't have time to resolve. Hope to fix that and expand the game further from here on.